LeAnn Morris was a first-time visitor at our April meeting. We found out she writes screen plays and we’re thrilled to be able to share her first short film production which she co-produced with Lucas Kitchen.


Living out of their car, JOEL and his pregnant wife LISA drive down a country road toward the next town, hoping to find work. Joel notices a sign, which reads “Treasure”, and pulls to the side of the road. Tensions are high between them as Joel gets out and tells Lisa to wait in the car. He strolls up to the canopy where an OLD MAN greets him. Joel quickly browses through the junk and starts to leave when the Old Man persuades him to look in the trunk. He opens the lid and discovers something of great value that he had forgotten about and others ignore.


One response to “Treasure”

  1. Nikki B. Avatar
    Nikki B.

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us, LeAnn!


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