Brocksport, Back Again

Author, Janice Ernest, is glad to announce the second book in her series, “Brocksport, USA”. It is another fun filled adventure starring Maynard Junebug, Deputy Officer of the Brocksport Police. He is always alert and on the job, and determined to solve the case. This second adventure tells the story of Delton Jr. and Moonbeam Lamour, a young couple, their family, and what havoc they can create between Halloween and Christmas. Janice dares you to come experience Maynard Junebug going batty, a turkey named Lewis, and the birth of the baby Jesus like you’ve never heard it before. Don’t wait, available in paper back and on Kindle right now!



2 responses to “Brocksport, Back Again”

  1. Congrats, Janice. I’ll be downloading my copy soon.


  2. Avatar

    Thanks, I hope you read and smile along the way. Have a great day and thank you for checking out my work.


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