ETWG Member Sharon James Shares Life Lessons at our June 10, 2024 General Meeting!

Before she began, April Coker presented an award of lifetime free membership to charter

member, Pat LaVigne.

Afterward, Sharon started with a brief introduction of her life and her experience and then asked us a series of questions, as follows:

  1. Do you have a talent?
  2. What were you good at as a child that you may have forgotten?
  3. Did you ever take a graded aptitude test?
  4. Have you ever received an award?
  5. What do your closest friends say you are good at?
  6. Have you ever done something out of your comfort zone?
  7. What talent do you enjoy the most?
  8. Do you aspire to be like your mother or your father?
  9. Did you grow up feeling loved?
  10. Do you keep a journal?
  11. Did you grow up in a healthy environment?
  12. What are your skills?

Talent is a natural, God-given ability to see or do something in a certain way.

Sometimes referred to as a “soft skill”, talent is an innate aptitude or skill a person is born with. Talent cannot be taught, although some talents can be improved with practice.

Skill is the ability to do something well.

Able to use knowledge effectively to execute tasks, performance, dexterity, or coordination.

From training or experience, a developed ability or aptitude for doing something. Often, a singular task.

Ten Essential Life Skills:

  1. Creative Thinking
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Decision Making
  4. Empathy
  5. Communication Skills
  6. Stress Management
  7. Coping with Emotions
  8. Interpersonal Skill
  9. Problem Solving
  10. Self Awareness


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