Call to Order by President Lisa Holcomb
Introduction of Attendees
Committees: Conference—Chairperson April Coker reminded members to register for the conference before July 1 in order to get the early bird discount. April also suggested members promote the guest speakers to encourage an increase in attendance.
Membership: Lisa announced there is need for a new chairman. Illenya Marrin volunteered to take the position.
Guild Website: Lisa announced that she would like volunteers to offer their assistance in dividing the work on various website sections. She gave a synopsis of the job description, suggesting one person could work on the blog, another work on another section, etc. Janice Conlee emphasized that this will enable individuals to know better how to do blogs, marketing advice, recruitment of new members, along with other skills in developing and promoting a website.
Business meeting adjourned: 6:55 PM
Guest speaker Mike Wigington offered ideas on how to insert more emotion into our writing. “Every time you write, you leave something of you on the page.” Mike continued to explain this quote by noting that we must put ourselves into our characters. One way to do this is to recall a past event that evoked sorrow, joy, fear, exhilaration, anger, as examples. Using a Power Point presentation, Mike emphasized that the story begins when the protagonist is threatened. He used the story “A River Runs Through It” as an example of the main character’s narrative revealing himself through his story. Working toward a solution and all that it entails comprises the middle of the story, and resolution of the problem occurs when the protagonist’s self-concept comes back to an even keel.
Respectfully Submitted
Pat La Vigne

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