Researching Your Favorite Subject to Enhance Your Writing

Reggie Anne Walker Wyatt
Reggie Anne Walker Wyatt

Ever wanted to research a subject for your book or article but just didn’t know where or how to start?

Our Speaker at the June 10, 2013, 6:30 PM meeting of the East Texas Writers Guild located on North Broadway will be Writer/Photographer and renowned Jesse James Historian, Reggie Anne Walker-Wyatt.

She hails from Shreveport, Louisiana and has her Bachelors in Criminal Justice and a history working  in law and research. When asked about what gets her started on the research trail she said, “I just see something that interests me and go from there. I take pictures, and dig deep for information on the subject, and then I seek out individuals who can affirm that research.”

Like a beagle uses its ears and nose on a hunt, she uses her many skills as a researcher in the law business and her years of experience tracing down Jesse James to ferret out needed facts and information.

She has agreed to come and share about her research on Jesse James, but most importantly about her research techniques. Hope you will come, take notes, and take home some good information you can use in your endeavors to write better more believable fiction, and really awesome non-fiction.

Feel free to learn more about Reggie, her books, and Jesse James at

See you all at the June Meetin’!


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