Our Authors
ETWG is so proud of our published authors! Please click on each author’s name below to find out more about them.
Is your name missing from our list? If you are an ETWG member and are published (indie, traditional, or hybrid authors welcome), please let us know. We want to put the spotlight on you!
Author: Patricia Taylor Wells
Patricia Taylor Wells published her first book in 2016: “Camp Tyler, A First of its Kind” for the benefit of Camp Tyler, the oldest outdoor education school in the country,…
Author: Patricia LaVigne
Patricia La Vigne is a newly-published author, although she has been writing since her childhood–journals of trips made through the years, diary entries, short stories whenever the spirit moved her….
Author: Nancy Larson
a.k.a. Nancy E Brown Having been in the business world for over forty years, N. E. Brown retired and began pursuing a new career in writing. Wanting to bring the…
Author: Mike Clifton
A public educator for over 38 years as a teacher, coach, and administrator, currently lives in Mount Pleasant, Texas with his wife, Melanie and family cat, Sadie. He is the…
Author: Marvin S. Mayer
Marvin is a kid occupying the body of a senior citizen. He loves to be around children, so that’s one reason he became an active volunteer at, among other places,…
Author: Lisa Holcomb
Lisa Holcomb Bio: Lisa Holcomb graduated from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing. She resides in Tyler, TX with…
Author: Linda Pirtle
It is only natural that I would one day wind up in the literary field. I taught the art of writing and understanding literature for years as an English teacher…
Author: Laura Bentz
Laura since she was little, liked to write and illustrate her own stories as cartoons. At age ten, she wrote her first novel: “Mike and the Secret of Mount Tui.”…
Author: Janice Ernest
Janice Ernest is from East Texas and has been writing since the late 1980’s in small publications as a freelancer; in 2009 she started, edited, and published a magazine in…
Author: Delia Latham
Writing Heaven’s touch into earthly tales, Delia Latham puts her characters through the fire of earthly trials to bring them out victorious by the hand of God, His heavenly messengers,…
Author: Deborah DR Kralich
Deborah Kralich is a writer, artist, and businesswoman. She is part owner of Ruskra’s Corner. A native Texan, she holds a BA in economics from the University of Houston and…
Author: Dana Wayne
Dana Wayne fulfilled a lifelong dream to become a published author at the age of sixty-six with her first book, Secrets of The Heart. Since then, she has self-published six…
Author: Catherine Sellers
Always, her first romance novel, was published in 1989 by Meteor Publishing’s line of Kismet Romances. Always was followed in 1991 by Rainbows & Love Songs and Fair Warning in…
Author: Carl S. Kralich
Published his first book at age 25 and released his second this year (2018). He is a graduate of Jacksonville College and a member of their alumni association. He is…
Author: Caleb Pirtle III
He knew he wanted to be a writer the day he read his first book. Writing for him was never as much of a vocation as an obsession. Over the…
Author: Brinda Carey
Brinda is happily married to the man who rescued her from a life of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Together, they broke several dysfunctional cycles and raised four beautiful children…
Author: April Nunn Coker
April cannot remember when she did not want to be a writer. She began writing stories for her friends at age ten and continued through high school writing what would…
Author: April Coker
April Coker cannot remember a time when she didn’t want to be a writer. Her dream solidified when she discovered the book “Harriet the Spy” in her elementary school library….