Author: Janice Ernest

janice ernest smiling

Janice Ernest is from East Texas and has been writing since the late 1980’s in small publications as a freelancer; in 2009 she started, edited, and published a magazine in East Texas titled, WhileUWait magazine. This publication was exhibited in the Arlington Museum of Art, as well as the Wheeling Center in West Virginia and graced the tables of many waiting rooms throughout the East Texas area. Her company, Jan Distributing, L.L.C. offers editing and beta reading services with plans to expand toward assisting writers with their promotional and social media platform, as well as bookings, signings, press releases, and followups.

She was a Semifinalist in the 2015 First Chapter Awards. Her current publications include several short books as well as a series titled, Brocksport, and her latest full-length novel Butterfly. All are available on Kindle or or can be ordered at any bookstore upon request.

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