Smiling, long-haired brunette in a red and pink striped dress stands on the beach with the sun setting into the ocean behind her left shoulder and a pier over her right shoulder.

Author: Lisa Holcomb

Smiling, long-haired brunette in a red and pink striped dress stands on the beach with the sun setting into the ocean behind her left shoulder and a pier over her right shoulder.Lisa Holcomb

Bio: Lisa Holcomb graduated from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing. She resides in Tyler, TX with her husband, 3 boys, and 2 cats. She writes fantasy, science fiction, memoir, and poetry for both young adult and adult audiences. She has written for numerous blogs, newsletters, and poetry magazines. She has spent 19 years blogging at various websites about growing up adopted and living & parenting with chronic illness, finally combining it all into one blog at Recent publications include a science fiction short story in Next Chapters Unleashed: A Beachy Anthology; an essay on parenting boys in the anthology Boy Moms: Collective Tales of Mothers and Sons from Finn-Phyllis Press, and a poem in the anthology The Order of Us: Expectations, Restoration, and the Beauty of Chaos, from Moms Who Write. Her first full length fantasy novel is nearing completion.

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