“Butterfly” Takes Flight

butterfly front create spaceAfter a year and a half of working over this manuscript, my first full length novel, “Butterfly” just became available, March 15 on Kindle and now is available in paper form through Amazon.com, Createspace store, and it is listed on Ingram’s list and can be order on request from any bookstore worldwide.

When I first came to the Writer’s Guild there were many questions to be answered regarding publishing, and editing, critiquing, and other aspects of writing.

Lucky for me, I met some great people like Kay Sellers, and Cathy Meyers, along with Pat La Vigne, Linda Nelson Ellis, and Marvin Mayer. All were supportive of the magazine, WhileUWait and helped by contributing articles. More than that, all of them were encouraging me to write something longer than a magazine story.

In 2010 I took on the challenge of NANOWRIMO. 16,000 words later and frustrated I thought, “Just give it up already.” Then the challenge occured again in 2011. Mike Lantz announced that NANOWRIMO was upon us. “Okay, I’m going to do this.” It was during this year I wrote “Butterfly.”

So, thank you everyone who encouraged and pushed me forward to this. There is nothing as good as seeing something you’ve written in book form. Thanks, Kay, Marvin, Linda, Pat, Cathy,for all of your articles contributed to WhileUWait and thank you all for the push to keep me writing and your words of encouragement.


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