Lydia Holley Presents: “Much Ado About Writing”: 10 Lessons from Shakespeare at our March 11, 2024 Meeting!

Much Ado About Writing: 10 Lessons from Shakespeare

Even after 400 years, Shakespeare is still popular. The Guinness Book of Records lists over 400 movie and TV shows that use Shakespeare’s plots.

From Othello, we learn the perfect antagonist is in direct conflict with the protagonist.

From The Merchant of Venice, we learned there should be an overall story question that is answered in the climatic scene.

From Hamlet, we learned about introspection and revealing your character’s motivation, their plans, and gaining empathy.

From Romeo and Juliet, we learned to put the character’s emotions onto the page.

From Much Ado About Nothing, we learned about subplots.

From Julius Caesar, we learned to use rhythm for great lines.

Foreshadowing and symbolism in Shakespeare’s works were discussed with examples.

Shakespeare kept writing, even after he was called an “upstart crow.”

To make your stories timeless, like Shakespeare, add emotional situations every human can relate to.


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