My First Book Signing

Pat_and_RebeccaI have never attended an official book signing until last Saturday. What a great excuse to go go root for my fellow ETWG members! Here are some pictures from the event (thanks to Linda Ellis). BIG congratulations to Patricia LaVigne who was there with her very first book. 🙂 Congratulations also to Cathy Myers, Catherine Sellers, and Bobbie Shafer. We had a great time! 🙂



2 responses to “My First Book Signing”

  1. Avatar

    As I was entering the Tyler Public Library to see four of our prestigious authors, I met a lady who was leaving. She was carrying a sack with what appeared to be books and smiling. I held the door open for her and she looked up at me, smiled and said, “Did you know there are authors signing books in here today, isn’t it exciting!”
    And I have to agree; it really was exciting to see a group of East Texas Writer’s Guild authors, seated at their tables with their shiny new books before them. It was especially exciting to see Pat La Vigne’s book in print. The cover was beautiful. So were the four lady authors. Kudos to them all. What a great show of how East Texas Writer’s Guild is supportive of its members

  2. Thank you, Janice, for letting everyone know about a local event for ETWG writers, especially our wonderful Pat LaVigne. Her First Book. Her first book signing! And thank all the other ETWGers who stopped by to wish us well.

    K Sellers
    a.k.a. Catherine Sellers


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