Thank you to Nikki Brown

On Saturday, September 29, 2012 prior to 9:30 A.M. a red mustang pulled up to the Chamber of Commerce Building in Tyler, Texas. While most people were enjoying their morning sleep, Rebecca and Nikki Brown were on the road to Tyler. Their red mustang raced through the traffic-less streets with one destination in mind, the Chamber of Commerce and the Seminar which Nikki was about to teach on Website development.
With the help of Mr. Mike Lance, they entered the building and set up for the meeting and then at approximately 9:30 A.M. the students began to arrive. These students were authors learning how to make the internet age work for them. Several of them, including myself, ranged over the age of fifty.
Nikki passed out the notes and handled our group like a pro. She answered questions, had us do practical exercises on our computers and taught us how to manipulate our websites. Mostly though, she showed through her calm demeanor and patient way that computers are nothing to be afraid of. One student commented that he never thought it could be this easy, but I responded that the intimidation factor was minimized because of the gracious attention and teaching of Nikki Brown. I just wanted to state my appreciation for her taking time from her already busy life to stay up and make notes for us and to be there to teach us. She and her daughter both, have been an amazing and inspiring influence in the East Texas Writer’s Guild.
At approximately 4:30 P.M., an hour and a half after the time the seminar should have ended; Nikki took her leave and headed home with her daughter driving at the helm. God bless her for staying late and for all the hard work she did for this teaching session and continues to do for the East Texas Writer’s Guild.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Ernest


One response to “Thank you to Nikki Brown”

  1. It was ETWG’s lucky day when Nikki & Becca found us. Thank you, Nikki, for all you do to make ETWG better.



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