Category: Meetings
Thanksgiving was the Theme of our November, 2023 Meeting!
Thanksgiving was the theme of our November meeting as we read our stories of thankfulness. Some stories were sad and some were funny but they all carried a positive message.
We Had a Fun and Entertaining October 2023 Meeting Telling Our Scary Stories!
We had a great October 2023 meeting sharing our scary and also inspirational stories. Here are some pictures from that fun night.
September 2023 Meeting with Speaker Stephen Woodfin Investigates Coaching!
How Indie Writers Have Fueled the Rise of Book Coaching A working definition of the term Indie writer is “an author who works independently of traditional publishing.” Writing something consists of three stages: Thinking about or fixin’ to write about something. This could take weeks, months, or years. Finishing your manuscript and saying: “I’m glad…
Tracie Borum Dazzled Us with Great Advice on Being an Author and Writer at our August 2023 General Meeting!
Tracie Borum was our speaker at our General Meeting and dazzled us with an array of advice on how to be a successful author and writer. She is a full-time professor and has published seven novels; an eighth one is coming out soon. General Advice: Write selfishly and for yourself first. Stay true to yourself…
Our July 2023 Conference Was One of Our Best Ever!
Our First Conference Speaker was Maya Golden Bethany, an Associated Press winning and Emmy-nominated multimedia journalist, who gave us a presentation on book marketing called: STAND OUT IN THE STACKS: BOOK MARKETING ON A BUDGET. She told us that it is estimated that 4 million books are released annually. Almost a million are traditionally published…
Our June 10, 2023 General Meeting was a “Story Time” Session!
The July10 meeting showcased the talents of our Guild writers as we each shared a 3 to 5 minutes story of any sort. It was very entertaining and enjoyed by all. Looking forward to Saturday conference so we just got together for a night of fun and sharing.
Micheal Hawron Speaks on June 12, 2023 at Our General Meeting about Memoir Writing!
Micheal Hawron–June 12, 2023 He used different themes in his life to write about his own personal experiences. A memoir is writing what you know. You know yourself and all that happened to you in your life. He explained that he has written three autobiographies with the same subject: a framework to get across to…
Aaron Plan – ETWG Secondary Historian East Texas Writers Guild General Meeting Notes – May 8, 2023 Speaker: Carolyn L. Dean Common Mistakes Made by Authors Thinking you have to know everything Thrashing – Not pulling the trigger, constant research How to fix it: Write down what you really need to get your book done,…
Awarding Winning Writer, Mike Clifton, Speaks at April 2023 Meeting!
Mike Clifton, an award-winning author, gave a presentation on what to look for in a publisher and some warning signs of unscrupulous companies. He showed that these fly-by-night operations and bilk authors out of thousands of dollars. He talked about publishing–traditional, indie and hybrid. For more information: visit Michael’s official website at or google…
Carolyn Dean on Monday, March 13th, Speaks On Productivity and Promotions!
Carolyn Dean writes cozy mysteries, romances and other fictional writings. She has over 1 million books in print and we were privileged to hear her speak at our regular Monday night meeting. She used an excellent outline full of good advice so I have listed below the order of the presentation through her Power Point…