Micheal Hawron Speaks on June 12, 2023 at Our General Meeting about Memoir Writing!

Micheal Hawron–June 12, 2023

He used different themes in his life to write about his own personal experiences.

A memoir is writing what you know. You know yourself and all that happened to you in your life.

He explained that he has written three autobiographies with the same subject: a framework to get across to the reader: what you like and what you know.

His life was not him stalking stories, but stories pursuing him.

“The Little Town With a Big Heart” is a story mainly about him and his experiences in old East Texas in a small town called New Boston. An in-depth account of the lives of the people and their insights.

Awesome Footsteps,” is a missionary, inspirational memoir he also wrote.

Entering Detours” was his account of life overseas in over 30 countries.

Just Clean Fun” was a fictional spy adventure based on his life experiences.

Spies Never Die” is another semi-fictional thriller.

His mission statement is:

I write to entertain,

I write to inform,

I write to make you think,

I write to celebrate life,

I write because it’s difficult,

I write because I can!


He then challenged us to write our own mission statements.


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