ETWG Anthology 2016

East Texas Writers Guild Anthology  Submission Deadline extended to April 1, 2016. If you have already submitted feel free to submit another 1500 words. If you have not, please submit something. Make sure to follow the submission guidelines and email all to Linda Pirtle at  


East Texas Writers Guild Anthology, 2016

As a fundraising project during 2016, the East Texas Writers Guild will publish a new anthology  which will include literary works created by guild members.

Who is eligible to participate?  Any active (dues paid) member of ETWG.

What genres will the anthology include?

  • Fiction /Nonfiction
  • Short stories – all genres
  • Poetry – ballads, lyrical, ode, etc.
  • Memoirs
  • Narrative Nonfiction
  • Historical fiction
    What types of manuscripts will not be acceptable?  Pornographic. Extreme Erotica.
  • How many words in total can a member submit?  Members may submit a maximum of 1500 words. Examples of how this can be done are as follows:

1. One short story = 1500 words.


2. Two short stories =  one is 1000 words and one is 500 words.


3. One or more poems (500 words total) and one short story (1000 wds) = 1500

Note:  The above are examples only.  Members may submit any combination of works so long as his/her total word count (including all submissions) does not exceed the 1500 word limit.

The deadline for submissions to ETWG is:  March 1, 2016.

All submissions will be electronic. Guidelines and instructions for submission will be coming soon on the ETWG Website.

Submission Format: 

  1. double spaced
  2. Times New Roman 12pt Font.
  3. Include a separate cover page including the following information:
  4. Name of Member
  5. Telephone Number
  6. Word Count of Submission
  7. Genre of the Submission
  8. Will need to include 100 word or less biographical information about the author along with a black and white headshot or a color shot ( make sure it is 360 dpi for printing purposes.
  9. Make sure to include website, Facebook, etc. addresses so that readers might connect with you.
  10. Make sure and include titles and url for your books, short stories, and articles. Who knows? Someone might read your short story in the anthology and decide to connect with you as a fan or even read your books.
  11. Deadline for Member’s Biographical Information: February 1, 2016

Who will edit and produce the anthology?   ETWG’s Anthology Committee includes Nancy Larson, Pat LaVigne, Janice Ernest,  Caleb Pirtle, and Linda Pirtle. These individuals will read and edit submissions. They will mark corrections (misspelled words, punctuation, etc.) that need to be made and will return the manuscript to the author for corrections. NOTE:  Since this is not a competition, the committee will not be judging the submissions. All submissions will be accepted with the exception (pornography/erotica).
Deadline for Member’s Biographical Information: February 1, 2016

Can the anthology submission be from a published work?  The submission must not have been previously published either in paperback, hard-cover, or eBook form.

Who retains copyrights to each submission?  Member retains copyrights to their submission(s).  East Texas Writers Guild has a one-time right to publish the work in its anthology.

All sales proceeds from the anthology will go to the East Texas Writers Guild.

So, WIIFY (What’s in it for you?)? The Primary benefit of being included in the anthology:  You will be an officially “published” author!





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