Author: Charles Hayes

Author, Charles Hayes

Author, artist, and editorial cartoonist Charles H. Hayes is a retired physicist with degrees from Rice University and the University of Texas. He is a life member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Military Order of the Stars and Bars and a board member of the Camp Ford Historical Association. He resides with his wife Natalie in Tyler, Texas.

In his book, The Gray and the Blue, a Comic Strip History of the Cival War,  Charles uses cartoons to illustrate the Southerner’s perspective of the Civil War. in this editorialized look at American history, a combination of textbook historical notes and fun visual aids provides an action-packed yet light-hearted approach to learning about the War Between the States. By using brief, detailed information to portray the battles of Manassas, Shiloh, and Gettysburg, among others, the comic strips highlight the important conflicts from the beginning of the war to Reconstruction. Maps, diagrams, and short profiles of major figures create a thorough study of the subject. The strips also provide historical context, portraying scenes from how the United States formed from the thirteen colonies to how they remained united as a country. A perfect introduction to America’s defining conflict, this book is fast-moving to intrigue young readers as well as factually and historically accurate to please adults.

The Gray and the Blue can be purchased at the following locations:

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Website: The Charles Hayes Collection

Email: Click here to email Charles

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