New Year…New Opportunity for Flash Fiction Contest

IMG_8417Criteria for Flash Fiction Contest:

1. Must be 250 words

2. Must be a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end.

3. Must contain conflict and resolution

4. Was the given prompt used? This month it is the photograph above.

5. Is the story comprehendible?

6. Grammar and spelling.

7. Must meet submission requirements below:

Submission requirements:

1. Double spaced

2. 0.5 paragraph indention

3. needs to be .doc format

4. Must have a cover sheet with author name, Title of work, Number of words

DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: March Meeting at Chamber of Commerce

Winners to be announced at the April Meeting.

For Judges, take this information and number your entries 1.-7. then respond. There will be three top placements, first, second, and third.
Keep in mind that submission requirements must be met for the written work to qualify for judging.


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