Author: Lisa Holcomb

  • Author: Lisa Holcomb

    Author: Lisa Holcomb

    Lisa Holcomb Bio: Lisa Holcomb graduated from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis on Creative Writing. She resides in Tyler, TX with her husband, 3 boys, and 2 cats. She writes fantasy, science fiction, memoir, and poetry for both young adult and adult audiences. She has written…

  • October 2021 Meeting: “Spooky Stories”

    October 2021 Meeting: “Spooky Stories”

    We had a delightfully spooky time at our Spooky Stories meeting on October 12, 2021. Renee Tyer-Goodwin read us her children’s story about a dog named Gigi who is learning about Halloween. Janice Ernest told us the chilling tale of a man trapped on an arctic scientific station. Lisa Holcomb read us her middle grade…

  • Upcoming Meeting: October 2021 – Spooky Stories

    Upcoming Meeting: October 2021 – Spooky Stories

    Our next meeting is this Monday, October 11, 2021 at 6:30pm. We will once again have a hybrid meeting – in person at the Genecov Room as usual – and online at our normal Zoom meeting room. This week we are all reading our own Spooky Stories for the Halloween meeting. Please bring a story…

  • September 2021 Meeting with Jayna Morrow on “Tropes and Hooks”

    Jayna Morrow came and spoke about “Tropes and Hooks in Market Fiction.” She brroke down the difference between Tropes and Hooks and introduced a unique, visual-tactile method for working with them.  During this presentation, fellow authors had the opportunity to complete a Trope and Hook activity and walked away with several future book ideas! The…

  • Upcoming Meeting: September 2021– Speaker Jayna Morrow on “Tropes and Hooks in Market Fiction”

    Upcoming Meeting: September 2021– Speaker Jayna Morrow on “Tropes and Hooks in Market Fiction”

    Texas romance author Jayna Morrow has been creating imaginary worlds since a young age. As an elementary school teacher, Jayna juggles the demands of molding young minds and raising two teenage daughters. Jayna is a member of the East Texas Writers Association and enjoys presenting workshops for local writers. She also loves hearing from readers…

  • Author: Delia Latham

    Author: Delia Latham

    Writing Heaven’s touch into earthly tales, Delia Latham puts her characters through the fire of earthly trials to bring them out victorious by the hand of God, His heavenly messengers, and good, old-fashioned love. You’ll always find a touch of the divine in her tales of sweet romance. Delia and her husband Johnny live in…

  • Author: Dion McInnis

    Author: Dion McInnis

    Dion McInnis states that he has been a photographer since six, a writer since 12 and a poet since birth. A native Texan who has spent the vast majority of his life in the Houston area, he has followed several career paths as a fundraiser, university administrator, photographer, public speaker, author, consultant and instructor of…

  • NETWO Spring Writers Conference

    The Northeast Texas Writers Organization (NETWO) will host its annual spring writers conference on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at Northeast Texas Community College in Mt. Pleasant. The one day event will feature presenters from various fields of writing and publishing as well as a short story contest. Among the presenters are award-winning daytime personality Brad…

  • Author: Aaron M. Zook, Jr.

    Author: Aaron M. Zook, Jr.

    An award-winning author and speaker—entertains with a purpose in his books and presentations. He’s thrilled thousands of readers through his YA Christian mystery/adventure Thunder and Lightning series about two inquisitive boys and their dogs who solve one crisis after another around the world. Aaron volunteers in church and in the community. Check out his info,…

  • Author: Jerry L. Clark

    Pen name: Jack Collins Jerry was born in Turkey Creek, Louisiana and graduated from Galena Park High School in May,1967. He joined the United States Air Force in September of that year and he served our country for twenty-two years. During this time, he traveled around the world and eventually met his former wife, Sue,…


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