Category: Our Authors

  • Author: Janice Ernest

    Author: Janice Ernest

    Janice Ernest is from East Texas and has been writing since the late 1980’s in small publications as a freelancer; in 2009 she started, edited, and published a magazine in East Texas titled, WhileUWait magazine. This publication was exhibited in the Arlington Museum of Art, as well as the Wheeling Center in West Virginia and…

  • Author: Patricia LaVigne

    Author: Patricia LaVigne

    Patricia La Vigne is a newly-published author, although she has been writing since her childhood–journals of trips made through the years, diary entries, short stories whenever the spirit moved her. Her first published story was for an anthology, compiled by her writing group, called Spiritual Autobiographies of Southern Women. Later, working with East Texas Writers…

  • Author: April Nunn Coker

    April cannot remember when she did not want to be a writer.  She began writing stories for her friends at age ten and continued through high school writing what would now be known as fan fiction using the members of the Kennedy family and Star Trek characters.  She honed her writing skills as editor of…

  • Author: Marvin S. Mayer

    Author: Marvin S. Mayer

    Marvin is a kid occupying the body of a senior citizen. He loves to be around children, so that’s one reason he became an active volunteer at, among other places, the Tyler Library’s Book Buddy program.  Each week, Book Buddies visit children’s day care centers or schools and read to the children/students to encourage development of…

  • Author: Mike Clifton

    Author: Mike Clifton

    A public educator for over 38 years as a teacher, coach, and administrator, currently lives in Mount Pleasant, Texas with his wife, Melanie and family cat, Sadie. He is the author of The Treasure Hunt Club and The Janus Witch, a member of The Northeast Texas Writers Organization, East Texas Writers Guild, and the East…

  • Author: Patricia Taylor Wells

    Author: Patricia Taylor Wells

    Patricia Taylor Wells published her first book in 2016: “Camp Tyler, A First of its Kind” for the benefit of Camp Tyler, the oldest outdoor education school in the country, which she attended as a child. Most of Ms. Wells’ writing has been directed at serving organizations and causes important to her. She published her…

  • Author: Nancy Larson

    Author: Nancy Larson

    a.k.a. Nancy E Brown Having been in the business world for over forty years, N. E. Brown retired and began pursuing a new career in writing. Wanting to bring the ideas of a younger generation, Ms. Brown collaborated with her daughter, S. L. Jenkins, to bring about a mystery that was both historical and suspenseful.…

  • Author: Carl S. Kralich

    Published his first book at age 25 and released his second this year (2018). He is a graduate of Jacksonville College and a member of their alumni association. He is an artist with work on Fine Art   “Auction of Worlds” Young Adult Humorous Science Fiction. The second in a series, A Karl Sabers…


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